Sports Medicine Unit
In the Sports Medicine Unit of the Hospital Universitario la Moraleja we care for your injuries through the leading professionals and using innovative technology.
- We help you to prevent injuries.
- We work on the recovery of specific pathologies, minimising recovery times.
- We improve your training level.
We place at your disposal the most advanced technology to stimulate and speed up the regeneration of damaged tissue through injections.
Sanitas places at your disposal
ENDORET®, the most advanced pioneering biomedical technology aiming to stimulate and speed up the regeneration of damaged tissue through the application of platelet-rich plasma. PRGF®.
For whom is it intended?
Endoret® makes it possible to treat muscular injuries, tendon injuries, ligament injuries and articular cartilage injuries.
The main benefit of this regenerative therapy is that it is a non-surgical therapeutic method for the curing and prevention of previously untreatable medical conditions in the area of sports medicine and traumatology.
- It is a simple, fast, painless outpatient procedure.
- The Endoret® composition reduces pain and inflammation.
- It is totally compatible material and so there is no risk or rejection and no differences.
- The Endoret® compositions possess both a bacteriostatic and a bactericidal effect.
- Endoret® is a pioneer in the development of specific protocols in Regenerative Medicine.
- Endoret® (PRGF®) has been used successfully in over 700,000 patients, in more than 25 ries around the world, without any negative side effect having been reported.
- It is currently the safest technique that complies with the regulatory ments of the Spanish Medication and Healthcare Product Agency. Moreover, it has obtained the certification of the European (EC) and American (FDA) healthcare authorities.
With hyaluronic injections we seek a
lubricating effect in the ts to reduce friction and protect them during exercise. Hyaluronic acid makes it possible to treat t problems, such as those of the knee, ankle, hip, shoulder and even small ts in the hand or the temporomandibular t.
The main advantages of treatment with hyaluronic acid are:
- Delay in the fitting of a prosthesis in patients with severe osteoarthritis as it slows down the progression of the disease.
- Notable reduction of the painful symptoms and improved t .
- The treatment is by simple application and through the outpatients clinic.
Corticoid injections
reduce the symptoms and signs of inflammation such as pain, reddening and swelling in a short period of time, as well as reducing the length of the inflammatory process.
It is a preferential treatment for osteoarthritis flare-ups, particularly in the knee, the application of the therapy is simple. Its use will also be adequate when anti-inflammatory and analgesic treatments have been unable to alleviate an inflammatory flare-up in case of contraindications of these medications.
The main advantages of the corticoid injections are.
- Reduction of inflammation, pain and reddening in the injured area.
- Faster and longer-lasting results.
- The treatment is through the outpatients clinic and recovery is easy.
Personalised treatments tailor made to your needs, to speed up tissue recovery and minimise recovery times.
A rehabilitation doctor will draw up a treatment plan indicating the number of sessions and methodology to be followed, seeking the greatest recovery of your al capacity by means of the combination of manual therapy, electrotherapy, and thermotherapy techniques and physical exercise.
Sanitas offers the Podoactiva technology for the Biomechanical Walking Study. This study allows us to know if our form of walking is correct and if it is related to certain pathologies, making it possible to prevent future muscular and osteoarticular injuries.
For athletes, for improved sporting performance thanks to the study as, based on the results, we assess the need for personalised treatment by means of the tailor-made production of personalised insoles, strengthening exercises, stretching, etc.
- A t and muscular examination.
- A static and dynamic analysis of the footprint and posture with the use of a pressure platform.
- Dynamic analysis by high-speed video. Thus, we are able to detect anomalies which are impossible for the human eye to see in real time.
- A three-dimensional cinematic analysis with the use of markers.
Once each test has been conducted and analysed, the need for treatment with personalised Podoactiva insoles is assessed.
We place at your disposal the most advanced techniques which up to now were reserved for elite athletes. The 3D Podoactiva Scan Sport system, an exclusive and globally patented laser-scanning system, makes it possible to obtain a virtual image of the foot with much more optimal geometry of the mould for the subsequent creation of the personalised insole.
When you practise sport your medical needs are very specific and that is why this service is designed
to cover the medical needs arising from the practice of sport and the prevention of injuries.
The consultation allows you to put yourself in the hands of sports medicine specialists so that it is the sports doctor who coordinates the diagnosis and treatment of all the injuries arising from the practice of sport.
The stress test consists of performing physical exercise while your heart rate and blood pressure are monitored and your respiratory capacity at maximum stress is checked.
For whom is it intended?
It is used, among other reasons, to know the physical state of a person who is going to a physical training programme.
The tests it s are:
- A spirometry with which we measure the lung capacity of the athlete at rest.
- An ECG (electrocardiogram) to diagnose risk heart conditions in sport, and with which we obtain the graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart.
- Stress test with gases analyser. During exercise at maximum effort, the analyser measures the heart's capacity to pump blood and lungs' capacity to provide oxygen.
Furthermore, if ordered by the doctor, an electrocardiogram will be performed to observe the ing of the heart from a morphological and al point of view in 3D images.
This makes it possible
to define the physical state of the athlete, thanks to specific tests conducted by experts. Because when you practise sport often, it is important to ensure that your body is prepared to deal with the intensity to which it is going to be subjected.
For whom is it intended?
For those practising sport on a daily basis or habitually. As part of this, the assessment of the tests is essential to predict possible problems in order to ensure a better quality of life and to help in habitual sporting practice, achieving improved physical performance and preventing injuries.
- A spirometry with which we measure the lung capacity of the athlete at rest.
- An ECG (electrocardiogram) to diagnose risk heart conditions in sport, and with which we obtain the graphical representation of the electrical activity of the heart.
- Stress test with gases analyser. During exercise at maximum effort, the analyser measures the heart's capacity to pump blood and lungs' capacity to provide oxygen.
The Sports Check-Up is made up of the following medical tests:
- Initial consultation with the sports doctor to complete the medical history and physical examination, paying special attention to any heart or musculoskeletal pathology that could affect the practice of sport.
- Sports stress test, consisting of the continual performance of physical exercise while the specialist monitors the heart rate with an electrocardiogram (ECG) and the blood pressure, and checks the respiratory capacity (gases analyser) at maximum stress, for diagnosis of al heart alterations in situations of maximum stress. Furthermore, a spirometry is performed. If ordered by the doctor, an echocardiogram will be conducted.
In addition, complementary tests or consultations can be completed, such as:
- Biomechanical walking study, making it possible to know if there is a link between certain pathologies and the patient's form of walking, as well as the appearance of future muscular and osteoarticular injuries. The need for treatment with personalised insoles is assessed.
- Sports doctor consultation in which the results of the tests carried out are given, as well as the medical recommendations after the assessment of the results. These tests are always supervised by renowned specialists in sports medicine, to assess your physical capacity. As a result, you will learn the state of your health, your physical fitness and sporting condition in detail.

Sanitas places at your disposal a team of professional physiotherapists specialising in sports medicine and practice.
The sporting injuries physiotherapy department offers personalised treatment tailor made to your needs, which speeds up tissue recovery and minimises recovery times. It also facilitates the subsequent readaptation of the injured tissue to stress, always orientated to maintain full t amplitude after any pathology related to the reduction thereof, such as osteoarthritis, bone fractures, oedemas, etc.

The specialist will assess your dietary habits and will measure your body mass using the BOD POD.
The BOD POD performs an air displacement plethysmograph, the reference test for the measurement of body fat. With it, we can quantify your body volume to determine your body density and, with these data, know the percentage of fat mass and fat-free mass. It is a test that offers the most accurate results, in a simple manner which does not cause any discomfort.
To improve and complement rehabilitation, at the Sports Medicine Unit, we offer Functional Recovery sessions,
we confirm the improvement of the patient and the normalisation of the daily activities along with the habitual practice of sport.
After the diagnosis and assessment, the rehabilitation doctor draws up your treatment plan, prescribing the number of sessions and methodology to be followed. We seek the greatest recovery of your al capacity by means of the combination of manual therapy, electrotherapy and thermotherapy techniques, as well as physical exercise.
This service focuses on rehabilitation in incapacitating processes due to locomotor system, nervous, cardiovascular and respiratory system pathologies, etc. The processes susceptible to treatment by al rehabilitation are:
- Problems of the spine and/or limbs.
- Bone, muscular/tendon and t injuries caused during sporting or working activity, or derived from degenerative illnesses.
- After traumatological or orthopaedic surgical interventions.
- Diverse chronic diseases (neurological, rheumatological, cardiac, metabolic and respiratory).
The service s:
- Group sessions with a maximum of 3 people.
- Constant supervision by the trainer.
- Access to all the material necessary to perform the exercises.
- Athletes who fast and effective solutions for their needs and conditions
- People who want to practising sport and already have conditions that prevent them from doing so or do not know how.
- People with chronic trauma or locomotor system pathologies.
- People who want to improve their training levels.
Consult us on (+34)917 679 343.
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